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A note from Peter Kelley:
"Theater is the actor's medium. Film? That's the director's
Well, why?
Here's a thought: Because actors are not fully involved in the
creation of their performance. In addition, very few are able
to work often enough to develop an understanding of how their
process in this medium relates to the final product;
how to connect what's being done on the set with what's
eventually seen onscreen.
Consider this the next time you're working on-camera: except
for the director and crew, no one will ever see you act.
No one. Ever.
What people will see is a picture of you acting.
For better or worse, your work will be judged on the quality
of that assembled record of your performance and not the
performance itself. Creating a powerful performance on film
depends in a large degree on your understanding that slender
yet critical distinction.
My training provides that opportunity. It is designed to offer
experienced actors the full experience of taking a scene from
rehearsal through shooting in the compressed time frame often
encountered in film. Actors will learn how best to deliver an
honest, subtle, "cuttable" performance on film, while having
the opportunity to work on some of the strongest writing for
the screen available.
I hope to see you at a workshop or class!
Peter Kelley
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